Middle Passage Atlantic Crossing – Journey from slavery

What inspired me to write this book.

In 2013 I went to a writing conference and I remembered making a statement that as a black person by race, we had to tell our stories based on our, and or our ancestors experiences, emotions, knowledge, pain, joy and understanding of life. I came to this decision after I had visited a museum in Brussels, Belgium. What I saw there were the atrocities heaped on the natives of the then Belgium Congo, by King Leopold the second and the people of his country. In their imperialistic ventures, they stole the minerals of that African country while enslaving its people. I was stunned by the lack of empathy in the pictures on display showing men, women, and children with their extremities chopped off at the joints of their upper and lower extremities. I was angered as I came to know the butchery Europeans used against people of color as they hijacked their lives into slavery, stole their properties, their kingdoms, while their destroyed their families, cultures, and institution.

 I am Jamaican by birth, but my race firmly dictates that I am descendant of African people. I am proud of my heritage, and as I grow in life and evolve, I embrace who and what I am. Therefore this book of my ancestors journey to freedom had to be written. I researched how Africans were captured, and taken into captivity and sold into slavery. Their journey in tightly packed slave quarters of slaves ships, that transported them across the Atlantic ocean, where millions died and were tossed overboard. Finally their arrival in the Americas, or on the islands of the Caribbean, to start their intolerable life as a slave. In Jamaica, many would escape up into the mountains to create or join existing maroon colonies/communities, that had been engaging the British army, in battles of insurrection. These and many other historical facts are included in this story as I developed my plot and characters. Although fictional I borrowed much of history to make this Historical fiction as close to what I imagined life was like then for our ancestors. But this story also includes the life of those who did the enslavement, as well as their pain, their joy, their fortune and misfortunes. The reasons behind the things they did.

Middle Passage Atlantic Crossing, Journey from Slavery consist of both the African’s and European’s journey from slavery. Middle Passage Atlantic Crossing is available in print and kindle versions, on Amazon.  


About me:

I am an introverted individual and writing books in some way allows me to cope with things as well as to express my thoughts and emotions.. As a black man living in America I have long came see that  America and the world does not care about us, as Micheal Jackson song so apply states. Therefore we must now look at ourselves and come to realize we are a special race of people and as we demand that the world come to realize that out lives matter, we must individually recognize that, and grew to add value to our lives, our ancestors lives, as well as our children’s lives.

 So, I believe in honoring my ancestors as the bible’s fifth commandment say’s to Honor thy father and thy mother. But that honor should not just end with my father and mother, but extend to all who preceded them in the chain of life, in which I am just a link. For they were my pass, as I am their present, and my children, their future, as well mine. We must make our lives matter and in telling this story I am saying our enslaved ancestors lives matter for without them and their ability to overcoming the atrocities, the hate and degradation associated with slavery, colonialism and white supremacy. I would not be here planning on educating my self further to continue writing, or starting a business of my own. I must embrace their history, for it is also my history .

As I rise in this world,.I have come to accept that their victories have made me stronger than I can ever imagine. I have no reason to think I am less than anyone. I know who and what I am, I am a human being, a creation and a child of God.  

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