Author: Oswald Mould

Title: Standing for The Concerns of Others

As we successfully navigate the various stages of life after we have seen to the growth of our children, we are innately drawn to the welfare of others. We come to realize that we are not alone. Instinctively we feel responsible for those who are not as fortunate as us. Some of us ignore that calling while other succumb to the need to stand for something outside of their immediate needs or wants.  Many of us chose to support health care issues such as Cancer Research. Others chose to support higher education for those who are not able to afford it but are determine to improve their status in life thru education. They are many things out there that are in need of our support. I feel the pain of those who have been denied access to prosperity, justice, liberty and the natural pursuit of happiness just because of their skin color. So, I support Black Life Matters.

There are many issues in the Black Life Matter campaign. Most prominent is the Department of Justice unjust practice of incarcerating people of color thru plea bargaining knowing that it instantly disenfranchises the individual. Meaning that they lose their rights as citizen of the United States of America once they say there are guilty and are convicted. They lose their federal rights to advance themselves thru voting, education, creating legitimate business, etc. They then can be used for slave labor while incarcerated, a common practice in the South after the abolishment of slavery that is still in existence today all throughout the USA. Please read the 13th Amendment of the US constitution.

Another major issue is the unnecessary use of deadly force by its law enforcement officers. Many officers escalate crises situations instead of deescalating them. Many say they feel threatened and so use deadly force against unarmed citizens to resolve heated situations. It appears that many know that they will be acquitted upon using deadly force and so choose to do so. We need to train these men and women but before that there is a need to vet them, to know what exist in their minds. Are they members of white supremacist groups and see this as an opportunity to be a government sanctioned Klansman secondary to being a police officer in our community?

I stand with Black Life Matters because the issues they stand for affect me and will affect my children and their children. We see what unjust laws have done to our people. We must not allow them to continue existing. Such laws as Stop and Frisk, three strikes you are out. Laws that support the mass incarceration of black people as this corrupt justice system continues its war against crime and drugs which in reality is a war against people of color influence by the corrupt factor of capitalism.

We must get rid of the loophole in the thirteen-amendment for slavery must truly come to an end. We should not be mass incarcerated to make others rich thru slave labor. Companies should not be using prisoners as a labor force, it is a form of slavery. Nor should Americas’ prison system be a for profit business with shareholders making profits based on the incarceration of people. People should not be getting rich thru the incarceration of others. It breeds corruption. These are practices of our Justice System, they must come to an end.

While we are not sitting at the table making laws we must find ways to hold those who do accountable. We must then work to make our way to occupy these seats of power and justice. We must educate ourselves in great numbers so we are represented in numbers at the table (at all table of power) by our people who are concerned with our issues. We must change these unjust laws and make just laws for all. In the mean time we will march and protest the injustices of the system in which we exist so as to promote change.


Buy and read my book titled:  America the Beautiful being launched on January 23rd, 2018.

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Another major issue is the unnecessary use of deadly force by its law enforcement officers. Many officers escalate crises situations instead trying to deescalating them. Many then say they felt threatened and so used deadly force against unarmed citizens to resolve a heated situation. It appears that many knew they would be acquitted upon using deadly force and so chose to. The Department of Justice needs to see that these white young men and women are thoroughly trained before entering these Black communities. But even before that there is a need to vet thee young men and women to see what occupies their minds. Are they white supremacist or closeted racist who awaits the opportunity to use deadly force on unarmed Black citizens as police officers knowing the DOJ is complicit and will do any and everything to see they are not held accountable for their crime. Are they Klansman secondary to being a police officer with intentions of using deadly force against us because our lives does not matter to them?

I stand with Black Life Matters  because the issues they stand for affect me, affects my children and will affect their children if not changed. We see what unjust laws have done to our communities and our people. We must not allow them to continue existing. Such laws as Stop and Frisk, Three strikes you are out. Those laws that disproportionately support the mass incarceration of Black people as this corrupt system continues its war against drugs and crime which in reality is a war against Black people.  Those laws that leave them disenfranchised, powerless, living on the fringes of society must be removed from the law books.

We must get rid of the loophole in the thirteenth amendment for slavery to be truly abolished in this country. We should not be mass incarcerated to make others rich thru slavery. Companies should not be allowed to use prisoners as labourers  and pay them less than minimum wage. But this happens everyday in America. Nor should Americas Prison System be a for profit system penal system. People should not be getting rich thru the incarceration of others. But that is what Americas Prison System has become. Shareholders make huge profits when more people are incarcerated. This breeds so much corruption it painful to think where to start being critical, for you now see the laws created are now supporting this for profit penal system. Three strikes, Stop and Frisk etc, These are the laws of our Justice System as they prey on Black Folks to make rich white Folks richer.

While we are not sitting at the table making laws we must find ways to hold those who do accountable for the bad laws they make. We must then work to make our way to occupy those seats of power and justice. We must educate ourselves in great numbers so we are represented in numbers at the tables by our people who are interested in our issues. Yes to the Thurgood Marshall’s and no to the Clarence Thomas’s. We must change these unjust laws or strike them from the laws nooks of our country. We must make just laws for all not only for some. In the mean time we will march and protest the injustices of the system in which we exist. We must make Black Life Matters to all humanity so that All life Matters a reality.

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