Author: Oswald Mould

Title: Hate is not the Answer

I have developed a passion for watching Netflix documentaries. Many of these come in series on a specific topic. I recently watched approximately four episodes in a series titled; Dirty Money. I was taken aback by the corrupting forces of unregulated capitalism. Its greed drives countries, nations, corporations, groups, gangs and individuals to do heinous deeds.  Atrocities are committed because of the greed that drives capitalism. Genocide are committed because of the greed that drives capitalism. Theft on grand scale are committed because of the greed that fuel capitalism.  Invasion and destruction are fueled by the greed of capitalism. So, with so much negative why do we cling to it, not seeing or investigating its evil root.

As Europeans set sail from their countries to trade with Africa and Africans they also made their way across the Atlantic to the Americas and the Caribbean. Their history books stated they were in search of gold and other minerals that would make them rich. What happened was the enslavement of one race of people. The genocide of another. The stealing of the lands of all nonwhite people and the making of laws by the Europeans giving them the right to do as they pleased. All fueled by the unregulated greed of Capitalism. The hypocrisy of this is that the Europeans were accompanied by Jesuit missionaries as they went on the campaign of stealing, plundering and killing to gain the wealth they now have and worship. The role of these missionaries was to convert the people to Christianity. The missionaries preached the Ten Commandments while their people practiced the opposite. The Spaniards destroy the Aztec and Inca empires to get their gold. The British made settlements on the East coast of North America killing many of the Indian tribes that lived there with their superior weapons so as to take their land. They called it Capitalism, the art of becoming rich.

I strongly believe Capitalism is their religion and they use Christianity to pacify and subjugate their conquered masses. To me they do not follow the teachings of their Christianity. Thou shall not steal; They colonize all of Africa taking the African peoples lands, gold, diamonds, copper, Colton, etc.  Thou shall not kill; In North America more than eleven million of the indigenous people were killed for their land gold, silver, timber etc. Thou shall not lie; all of those histories are being white washed to appease the European descendants. They will never be held accountable by man for the evil deeds they did due to unregulated capitalism.  Australia, the list is extensive.

I watched these documentaries and see white men with strong desires of being wealthy scam poor and middle class white people of their hard-earned dollars. People who are wealthy as well as those who live from pay check to pay check. I see them lose their homes as they fall further into debt. I watch as they narrate in despair, their journey to homelessness hoping to find a safety net that would allow them to avoid their final stigma.  I see the similarities in them to Black people as they were enslaved, losing their lives, their homes, their land, their countries. But their despair is still insignificant in comparison to the indignities Black had to suffer because of capitalism. Will whites ever see the scourge they have created or hold themselves accountable as it is doing to them what it has done to others over the centuries?

No because they are to busy hating us and vilifying us Blacks as criminals not noticing the real effect of Capitalism on them as well as on us. They are too busy living the privileged white life. They see the white billionaire in the White House and many more around the country. They worship Trump and think he is their savior. They identify with him and the other white billionaires not seeing them as their pocket books are being invaded, not seeing how they have taken hold of their earnings and have invaded their savings and manipulated their thinking.  They detest poor Blacks and distance themselves while denying any similarities with them. Thinking themselves better they use stereotypical arguments to rationalize their hate. Never realizing they too are also victims of capitalist issues.

Buy and read my book titled:  America the Beautiful being launched on January 23rd, 2018.


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